

篇名 教育研究另一途徑:網路調查研究
並列篇名 New Approach for Education Study: Internet Survey Research
作者 魏曼伊
中文摘要 在資訊科技發達的今日,網路研究無疑的影響了各領域的研究,當然也為教育研究提供另一新視野,而網路調查研究則是網路研究方法的實踐之一。運用網路調查進行教育研究時,首先研究者需瞭解該研究主題是否適宜以網路調查方式進行,再者則是考量將採行之網路調查研究類型。而網路調查研究不但重視研究倫理精神的實踐,更結合電腦資訊技術,運用在問卷設計實施技術上。值得提醒的是,網路調查雖有其優點,但難免有所侷限,因此在進行網路調查研究時,研究者特別需注意應在樣本上、問卷回收上以及資料收集環境之控制方面審慎回應。
英文摘要 Internet-based data collection is becoming mainstream with the recent advances in computer technology and this method of data collection has influenced research in various fields. This technology research method also has great relevance as a tool for education research. Research on Internet surveys identifies this data collection method as one of several Internet research methods available. To use an Internet survey for education research, researchers should first decide if this is an appropriate approach for the research topic, and then consider the type of Internet survey methods to be developed. Internet survey research should meet research integrity policies and use computer technology to design and administer questionnaires. Even with all the advantages for Internet surveys, there are also limitations to this research method. Before researches should carry out any Internet survey, several factors need to be considered including the number of respondents, response rates, and data collection and analysis.
頁次 97-128
關鍵詞 網路調查研究 research methods on-line research Internet survey 網路研究 線上研究
卷期 7:2
日期 200812
刊名 中正教育研究
出版單位 國立中正大學教育學院