

篇名 竞争选拔与质量维持 ─ 大众化背景下日本大学入学考试的变革与现状
並列篇名 Competitive Selection and Quality Maintenance ─ Transformation and Status quo fro the Entrance Examination of Japanese University in the Background of Popularization
作者 胡国勇
中文摘要 战后六十年,日本的高等教育完成了从精英教育到大众化的过程。大学入学考试也经历了一个从注重竞争选拔,到竞争选拔和大学教育质量维持并重以及多样化的过程。日本在20世纪90年代初形成了尊重大学自主权由各大学主导的”选择性”的考试中心考试。由于高等教育总体规模的急剧扩张,20世纪年代以后,日本的大学开始分化。著名大学的入学选拔考试依然竞激烈,但不再是单纯的学科学力竞争,各种新的选拔手段被运用到大学入学选拔考试中,而承担高等教育大众化使命的大量私立大学开始面临生源不足的局面,其入学考试的选拔意义淡化,入学考试一方面是为了保障大学教育的顺利进行,维持教育质量;另一方面也是宣传自我,吸引考生的手段。入学考试成为大学与考生只向选择的途径。
英文摘要 Japanese higher education has finished its shift from elite to mass stage within the sixty years since the World II. The University Entrance Examination also experienced a shift from an extremely competitive selection to a diversity which combines of both competitive selection and other methods. Japanese universities began to have the option of the examination provided by the National Center for University Entrance Examinations in the context of decentralization in 1990s. Due to a rapid expansion of higher education after 1990s, Japanese universities were classified. On the one hand, competition to enter first─class universities remains intensive but with multiple selective measures, on the other hand, entrance to private universities of poor quality became so easily that the examination exist in name only. Under such situation , the Entrance Examination means an approach of two─way selection between university and examinees.
頁次 68-73
關鍵詞 日本 大学入学考试 竞争选拔 质量维持 Japanese University Entrance Examination competitive selection quality maintenance CSSCI
卷期 5:1
日期 200701
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學