

篇名 论大学德育中道德批判力的缺失
並列篇名 On the Deficiency of Moral Critical Ability Of Moral Education in Universities
作者 戴岳 、易连云
中文摘要 体对道德规范、道德现象的独立批判对德性的养成具有重要意义。道德批判力的形成,是个体提升自我的道德教育水平,将道德要求转化为自我道德质量的自觉性前提。然而在我们的大学德育中,道德批判力的培养却被忽视了,其结果引起大学生道德主体的失落,德育的导向作用被削弱,个体的道德智慧难以生长。长期以来,文化传统中权威至上的思维模式、泛政治化的德育学科设置、教师责任意识的薄弱和专业化素质不足等因素,造成了道德批判力在大学德育中的缺失。从当前现实的实际需要,大学德育应该明确道德批判力培养的意义,创设有利于道德批判力形成的育德环境,使大学生逐步形成成熟的道德批判力,从而能够正确地去应对人生道路上所面临的各种道德问题。
英文摘要 The individual’s independent critique of the moral criterion and phenomenon is significant to the development of virtue. The formation of moral critical ability is the conscious premise of individual improving self morality and converting moral requirements into self morality. However, in our universities, no considerations are taken to develop the students’ ability to criticize morality, which prevents the individuals from developing moral wisdom. Over a long period of time, we firmly hold the belief from tradition that authority is paramount. Moreover, our teachers know little about their responsibilities as well as their majors, all of which contribute to the deficiency of moral critical ability. Therefore, to meet the needs of society, it is of importance to develop moral education in universities as well as to establish a better learning environment so that the graduates would be able to think and face all kinds of moral problems in their life.
頁次 41-46
關鍵詞 大学德育 道德批判力 缺失 培养 Moral education in universities Moral critical ability Deficiency Development CSSCI
卷期 4:1
日期 200802
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學