

篇名 高校负债经营的价值诉求、制度失范与风险规制
並列篇名 The Value Appealing, Irregularity of System and Risk Control of Universities’ Operating Deficit
作者 赵宏斌
中文摘要 高校负债经营是我国经剂转型过程中出现的新现象。随着市场经济的发展和完善,高等教育规模日益扩大,政府对高等教育投入不能满足高校建设发展的需要,高校向银行贷款成为现实。由于贷款制度失范,还款责任不明晰,出现了高校无力偿债、银行贷款风险巨大的局面。只有规范高校经营制度,减少贷款风险,才能促进高等教育事业健康发展。
英文摘要 In China, higher education institutions began to incur a deficit from operations during the process of economic transformation. With the introduction of the market economy, higher education has been expanding rapidly. However, the government expenditure cannot match the growing higher education. As a result, many institutions borrowed money from banks. But at present some institutions have lost their ability to pay back and banks are faced with a high─risk loan condition due to irregularity of repay system and obscurity of repay responsibility. Only when higher institutions build up a normal business system and reduce the loan risk to a lower level can the higher education develop well.
頁次 5-8
關鍵詞 高校负债 价值诉求 制度失范 风险规制 operating deficit value appealing irregularity of system risk control CSSCI
卷期 5:3
日期 200705
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學