

篇名 從美國死亡教育的發展兼論我國實施死亡教育的準備方向
並列篇名 The Development of Death Education in the United States and its Implications to Taiwan, R.O.C.
作者 張淑美(Chang, Shu-mei)
中文摘要      死亡教育(Death Education)是探討各種與死亡相關主題的教育,或稱為有關死亡、 瀕死與喪慟的教育 (Education about death, dying, and bereavement)。 在美國約於1950 年代末正式興起,起 1960、1970 年代發展興盛, 大致從大學中發展,而後逐漸擴及於中、小學,乃至家庭、社會。至今,已有多種專業組織成立,大量專業性書籍、手冊,乃至視聽教材等不斷問世,並已有甚多相關期刊印行,死亡教育之實施,推廣與研究,在美國愈見興盛。本文旨在檢視視美國死亡教育的發展脈胳與內涵,以歸整出我國實施之準備方向。分別探討美國死亡教育的發展;死亡教育的重要性、目標、內容、實施、評鑑等內涵,最後提出我國實施死亡教育的可行準備方向如下:(一 ) 培訓死亡教育師資與人才;(二 ) 研商如何納入學校課程中;(三 ) 研發本土化的死亡教育教材;(四 ) 重視死亡教育的研究與發展;(五 ) 宣揚積極健康的生死價值觀念等。
英文摘要      Death education concerns with the death-related topics; in a words, itis the education    about    death, dying and bereavement.    At the late 1950s, deatheducation was abvocated.    During the late 1960s and throughout    the 1970s, therewas a veritable explosion in the number of courses on death and dying offered atthe college level in the United States.    Then the courses spread to th secondaryand primary schools, and extended to families and communities. Many professionalorganizations    were formed;    texts, books, handbooks, and video    materials    werepublished and circulated.    Journals and periodicals    deveoted to the subject arecommonplace in libraries.    In the United States, death education is increasinglyimportant.    This paper reviews    the development, importance, goals, and contentsof death    education    in the    United    States.    How to implement    the subject    andevaluate its effects are also discussed.    Since death education in campus is notso    mature    now    in Taiwan, we    propose    five    preparatory    suggestions: 1.    thetraining    of teachers    and professionals    dedicated    to death    education.    2.theimplementation of death education through school curriculums.    3.the developmentof    indigenous    teaching    materials.     4.the    promotion    of    research    on    deatheducation. 5.the clarification of values on life and death.
頁次 275-294
卷期 14
日期 199806
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系