

篇名 青少年未来取向研究及对我国家庭教育的启示
並列篇名 The Research on Adolescents' Future Orientation and It's Inspiration to Chinese Family Education
作者 马逸伦 、宋凤宁
中文摘要 未来取向是指一个人对未来的思考和计划。青少年的未来取向对正处于过渡时期的青少年尤为重要。未来取向的发展,有助于青少年为成年社会做准备,正视角色转变,适应新环境,解决新问题。本文介绍了当前对青少年未来取向的研究,并结合我国青少年发展的特点,探讨了未来取向研究对我国青少年家庭教育的启示。
英文摘要 Future orientation refers to a person's thinking and planning for the future. Adolescents' future orientation is crucial for the adolescents who are in a transitional stage. The development of future orientation helps adolescents prepare themselves for their adult - life, facing the role - transfer, adapting to a new environment and solving new problems. This paper introduces the present research on adolescents' future orientation, and discusses the inspiration to adolescents' family education in China, combined with the developmental characteristics of Chinese adolescents.
頁次 110-113
關鍵詞 青少年未来取向 家庭教育 教养方式 亲子关系 家庭支持 adolescents' future orientation family education parenting style parent - child relationship family support
卷期 9:1
日期 201202
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學