

篇名 教育學程的類型與其教學效能之分析研究
並列篇名 A Study on Instruction of Educational Program as a System Under New Teacher Education
作者 林生傳(Lin, Sheng-chuan)
中文摘要      本研究旨在探討多元化師資培育制度下,新設的教育學程教學的實況與效果。依據量的研究典範與質的研究典範,採用訪視晤談、文件資料分析、電子媒體動態資料分析及問卷調查,綜合瞭解教育學程實況,交叉驗證對教學的影響。本研究以成立進入第二年的十四所教育學程為研究對象,每所大學的教育學程負責人或其代表一人與教授代表至少一人接受半結構性的晤談會商約兩小時,並對各教育學程學生隨機抽選正在修第二年課程的學生四百八十人,接受教育學程實況調查。所得資料作質性的詮述分析外,並利用變異數分析,結果發現:第一、各教育學程的結構與運作參差不一,頗具差異性。第二、教育學程的教學有明顯的校際差異。第三、不論依據何等參數來類型化,不同類型的教育學程的教學實施及效果有顯著差異。
英文摘要      This project was to evaluate the educational program (EP) which was newly built in universities and colleges in Taiwan under “Teacher Education Act”.    Since EP was so fresh a program in this country, this researcher used an in-depth interview as well a broaden-documents-survey in exploring the black-box and a questionnaire for tackling its teaching in terms of students experiences and beliefs in preparation as a prospective teacher. The targeted programs included all 14 EPs set up in the first year, 1995, in 14 universities and colleges with an exception of one. The sampled students for questionnaire survey were 480 in these programs.    Each targeted EP’s director and one educator at least were interviewed for 2 hours, while the students received a questionnaire on site. Besides, the research team had traced campus BBS talk and information related to the program as a supplementary evidence for verification of our interview and survey. From what found by qualitative approach this author constructed 15 parameters for recognizing EP. They were UTYP, HMST, ADMG, RCRU, SPRP, TRSC, TRPW, PRGM, THNG, FCLT, SURC, HDCM TSAC, VLCN, USCH. With these parameters, all targeted EPs were classified into distinctive types. And from quantitative data obtained from questionnaire, the teaching and learning in EPs was evaluated as SLZ, TCH, COG, RFT, SZFT, TCFT, COFT, RFFT for referring to teaching; and as MTV, ATT, CUR, INS, DFT, CUL, CNFT for referring to the workings of EP. By anova, manova, major results were concluded as follows:    Different types of EPs varied significantly in their performances and beliefs. In other words, the components and practical workings of EP as a system account significantly for variance in most variables of the teaching as expected.    Upon these conclusions, it is proposed that EPs be reconstructed as a complete system. This system should be made up of (a)dedicated professional culture; (b)powerful structure; (d)resource support; (e)elaborated curriculum design; (f)valid screening of students; (g)closer university-school partnership.
頁次 1-39
卷期 14
日期 199806
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系