

篇名 卢梭与”现代教育”意象
並列篇名 Rousseau and the Image of “Modern Education”
作者 于尔根.厄尔克斯
中文摘要 “现代教育”概念真接与庐梭的教育理论联系了起来。人们常常认为,是庐梭“创立“了现代教育,或至少是其最具影响力的前辈。本文认为,“现代学术“或“实验教育“是在17世纪晚期的“古今之争“中加以讨论的。这场历史性的重要争论过后,教育和学术便与现代科学的开放经验联系了起来。与这种传统相对照,庐梭并不是一位现代作家。将他的教育概念作为19世纪末所谓“现代教育“或“进歩教育“的基础,这实在是太矛盾了。进歩教育的意象被儿童心理学、尤其是被认知发展理论所强化。庐梭兄己自制的“消极教育“概念在很多方面与这些观点相对立。
英文摘要 The concept of “modern education” is directly connected with Rousseau’s theory of education. It is often said that Rousseau “founded” modern education, or at least was its most influential predecessor. The paper argues that “modern learning” or “experimental education” was discussed within the late-17th century “quarrel of the ancients and moderns”. After this historically important debate, education and learning could be connected with the open experience of modern science. When compared to this tradition, Rousseau was not a modern writer. His concept of education has been far too paradoxical to serve as a groundwork for what was considered to be “modern” or “progressive education” at the end of the 19th century. The image of progressive education was strengthened by child psychology, especially by theories of learning and development. Rousseau’s stoic concept of “negative education” is in many respects the opposite to such a viewpoint.
頁次 46-64
關鍵詞 现代教育 古今之争 消极教育 modern education quarrel of the ancients and modern negative education CSSCI
卷期 4:1
日期 200601
刊名 北京大學教育評論
出版單位 北京大學