

篇名 從新制度主義文化認知取向評析教育改革之困境
並列篇名 Evaluating the Predicament of Educational Reform from the Perspective of Culture-Cognitive of New Institutionalism
作者 張源泉(Yuan-Chuan Chang)
中文摘要 從教育史發展觀之,各種致力於教育改革的舉措幾乎從未停歇,但教育體制之實質變革卻少之又少;本文透過文件分析法,從新制度主義之分析視角嘗試對前述問題進行解釋。在行文次序上,先探究傳統思維對於教育改革困境的解釋,而後闡釋新制度主義之崛起脈絡及其分類,並從該視角闡釋教育改革的困境。最後本文提出,組織皆依存於特定組織域,學校做為組織亦然,且受制於「制度邏輯」之約束;任何深層次之變革必然會觸及制度邏輯,但後者具有高度的穩定性,因為其為組織域中各方相關者所共同建構,所以單方面變革難以奏效,甚且制度邏輯具有防禦機制而使其迴避理性質疑,再者因個體常無法意識到制度邏輯之影響,而使其亦難以被糾正,亦使得教育改革的推動舉步維艱。本文僅先探詢改革的困境,至於改革者的能動性與制度變革之相關問題,希冀未來再做進一步探究。
英文摘要 An overview of the history of education shows that, despite much effort over a long period of time, educational systems are not very amenable to reform. Utilizing document analysis, in this paper I adopt the perspective of new institutionalism to investigate the difficulties encountered while attempting to implement educational reform. After examining the traditional views on the dilemma of educational reform I proceed to present the perspective of new institutionalism and its interpretation of this issue. Finally, I propose that inasmuch as schools belong to a specific organizational field, and are subject to the constraints of the organizational logic governing that field, any complex reforms will necessarily touch upon this organizational logic, which, however, is highly resistant to change, due to its being an integral part of the organizational field. This is why single-facet reform tends to yield such meager results. Educational reform is also hampered by defense mechanisms which arise out of the institutional logic and serve to deflect rational criticism, as well as the general inscrutability of the influence of institutional logic. In this paper I focus on describing the overall dilemma of educational reform, and hope to take up related issues, such as the role of reformers, in a future paper.
頁次 081-102
關鍵詞 新制度主義 文化認知 教育改革 New institutionalism Culture-Cognitive Educational reform
卷期 28/29
日期 201606
刊名 彰化師大教育學報
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學教育研究所