

篇名 北京大学德国文学系的创立情况及其时代背景
並列篇名 The Foundaing of The Department of German Literature of Peking University and its Social Background
作者 叶隽
中文摘要 本文追溯「德国文学」作为一个学科的形成,以北大德国文学系的建立为个案研究对象,考镜源流,尽可能复原当时在蔡元培改革北大的背景下,德国文学系作为一个新建学科的过程,并由此探讨其在中国现代学术史上的意义。
英文摘要 This paper puts forward the forming of the German Literature as a discipline, takes the foundation of the Department of German Literature of Peking University for the case study. The author examines the origin and exerts his great effort to rebuild the development process of the Germany Literature as a new discipline in the context of the educational reform of Cai Yuanpei in Peking University, so that the significance of the German Literature in the academic history of modern China can be explored.
頁次 90-96
關鍵詞 北京大学 德国文学系 学术史 Peking university The department of German literature Academic history CSSCI
卷期 2:5
日期 200610
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學