

篇名 美國在一九九0年代實施「整合學術與職業教育」之緣由、模式與成效--兼論國內引進整合措施的可行性
並列篇名 Integration of Academic and Vocational Education in U.S.A. during 1990s: Rationale, Models and Effectiveness
作者 邱兆偉(Chiou, Jaw-woei)
中文摘要      本文研究的目的,在探討美國一九九0年代整合學術與職業教育的發展,包括其法律規定、學理依據、現有模式,以及實施成效,並據以評估其引進整合措施於國內的可行性。本文的主要研究方法,包括文獻調查、檔案資料分析,以及比較研究等三種。擬將運用此等方法, 而獲得的主要研究結果,分述如次:1. 就法律規定方面,一九九0年《柏金斯職業與應用科技教育法案》,以「更充分地發展所有族群的學術與職業技能,而促使美國在世界經濟上更具有競爭力」,為其目的。又,據此而在上述法案的相關條款中,規定了促進整合學術與職業教育之各種具體措施。 2. 就學理依據方面,有三項主要論點,即:經濟的必要性、認知科學領域的發現,以及分配學術與職業知識的社會公平性。而且,教育為全體學生的成人生活作預備,須藉助職業與學術兩方的教育工作者之共同努力,才能跨越理論與實用教育之間的鴻溝。 3. 就整合學術與職業教育的模式方面,中等學校及後中等院校的現有模式,各有八種。中等學校的前四種模式,及後中等學校的前五種模式,較為常見,惟各州之間各有不同的情況。 4. 就實施成效方面,有關改進學習、投入、及學校轉移之類有利的學生表現結果,迭有報告宣揚,而未有實質的証實。惟針對應用學術科目,生涯吸力學校、阿克登美,以及 SREB 模式等項目的評估,提供了若干正面的研究發現。 5. 就引進美國整合學術與職業教育措施之可行性方面,教育部及行政院教改會的相關建議、試辦綜合高中計畫的推動,以及職校課程標準有關教材編輯理念的澄清,可以構成邁向整合措施的有利條件。
英文摘要      The principal objective of this study is to investigate American experiences in the integration of academic and vocational education during 1990s in terms of legal regulations, theoretical reasons, present models and research findings of effectiveness. Based upon these, an evaluation is made to assess the feasibility of introducing the integration efforts in Taiwan, R.O.C. Three major research methods are used in this study—literature survey, documentary analysis, and comparative study. Some significant results which are secured from the application of these methods, are stated as follows.    1.From legal aspect, the “Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Education Act” of 1990 states it as the purpose of this Act, “to make the United States more competitive in the world economy by developing more fully the academic and occupational skills of all segments of the population.” Various regulations encouraging integration efforts are included in some sections of different Titles in this Act.    2.From theoretical justification, the case for integration stands on three main arguments: economic necessity, findings from the field of cognitive science, and social justice with respect to the distribution of academic and vocational learnings. The members of National Commission on Secondary Vocational Education suggested that the task preparing all young people for their adult lives, could be accomplished through a joint effort of vocational and academic educators ‘to bridge the gap’ between theoretical and practical education.    3.Both high schools and postsecondary institutions have had their respective 8 models for integration. The first 4 secondary models and the first 5 postsecondary models have been adopted more frequently than other models. The situations about integration steps vary from state to state.    4.Although desired student outcomes (such as improved learning, engagement, and school transition) have been reported, they are not substantiated owing to serious methodological or conceptual flaws. However, some studies of applied academics, career magnet schools, academies, and SREB models have produced some positive findings.    5.Some of recent events which have occurred here in Taiwan, R.O.C. are conducive to an introduction of integration models to Taiwanese schools. They are the ideas of reforming vocational-technical education suggested by the Ministry of Education and the Educational Reform Council of the Executive Yuan (the Cabinet), the program of initiating comprehensive high schools, and the concepts of horizontal coordination and vertical coherence elaborated in present vocational school curricular standards, which have been brought up in recent review for curricular revisions. Green light to go should be the answer to the issue of integration of academic and vocational education, which are not yet in the agenda of forthcoming educational reform here in Taiwan, R.O.C.
頁次 41-91
卷期 14
日期 199806
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系