

篇名 國民中學性別平等與性侵害防治教育課程內涵與其重要性之探討
並列篇名 The Investigation for the Priorities of Curriculum Contents on Gender Equity and Sexual Assault Prevention Education: A Delphi Study
作者 謝臥龍(Shieh, Vincent) 、駱慧文(Lo, Angela)
中文摘要 本研究目的旨在於以德懷研究法,匯整專家對「國民中學性別平等與性侵害防治教育課程內涵」優先順序的一致性共識。研究者以參與研究的國中基層教師、師資培育機構之學者,以及性別平等教育實務工作者的意見來建立性別平等與性侵害防治教育課程內涵重要性之優先順序。而課程內涵可歸納為四大項:1.個人的身心發展;2.社會中的性別角色;3.兩性關係;4.性侵害防治教育。    此三回合的德懷研究問卷旨在整合全程參與的專家,針對「國民中學性別平等與性侵害防治教育課程內涵」與其重要性之一致性意見。第一回合之開放性問卷之中,研究者收集到第一回合之33份問卷中,專家群所列舉之各項「國中性別平等與性侵害防治教育課程內涵」,經本研究小組分析、詮釋、整理後,共有55項,研究小組並加以歸納成四個類目:「個人的身心發展」類共12項,「社會中的性別角色」類共14項,「兩性關係」類共15項,「性侵害防治教育」共14項。    經由第二與第三回合的德懷問卷,參與研究之專家須針對第一回合所收集的項目依其重要性加以排列,並簡述其理由。因此,在三回合之德懷研究之後,國中之性別平等與性侵害防治教育課程內涵,專家選定6項為最重要之課程內涵項目,30項為重要項目。    本研究結果,將有助於教育當局、師資培育機構、各級學校研發性別平等與性侵害防治教育課程參考之用。不但如此,本研究的發現,將有助於國中教師認知與提昇性別平等教育素養,進而提昇師資培育品質以及國中教師建構無性別偏見教育環境之用。本研究的成果,將為未來性別平等與性侵害防治教育相關研究奠定知識基礎,不但可縱深地編制教材,更橫向地發展國小、高中以及大專院校連貫性的教材。
英文摘要 The purpose of this is to utilize the Delphi method in obtaining the consensus of the priorities of the curriculum contents on gender equity education at the secondary school level. The primary objective of this study is to establish a consensus of priorities of curriculum contents from the panel of school teachers, teacher educators, researchers and practitioners within four given categories: 1. physical and psychological development; 2. sex role and sex role stereotyping; 3. interpersonal relationship; 4. sexual assault prevention education.    In this study, three rounds of Delphi questionnaires were administered to the panel in terms of solicit their consensus opinions regarding the significant curriculum contents on gender equity and sexual assault prevention education at the secondary school level. In the first round open-ended questionnaires, analyzing 33 of them based on curriculum contents on gender equity and sexual assault prevention education at the secondary school level. Then, getting 55 items and inducting four categories as a result. 12 items of physical and psychological development; 14 of sex role in the society; the relations of the sexes has 15 items; 14 items of sexual assault prevention education.    Researchers arranged first round items by their significance through second and third rounds Delphi questionnaires. Therefore, after three rounds Delphi study, there are 6 items concerning as the most essential, 30 are regarded as important in curriculum contents of gender equity and sexual assault prevention education.    The findings from this investigation will help facilitate the decision making process of officials regarding development in the curriculum of gender equity and sexual assault prevention education at secondary school level. Moreover, the conclusions of this study will enable teachers and teacher educators to have an increased awareness of their own competencies and expectations of the teaching profession. In addition, the study will contribute to the knowledge base of teacher education and teacher effectiveness for follow-up research on gender equity and sexual assault education.
頁次 255-279
關鍵詞 性別平等教育 性侵害防治教育 課程內涵 德懷研究 Gender equity education Sexual assault prevention education Curriculum content Delphi-method TSSCI
卷期 16
日期 200006
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系