

篇名 多元智力理论与多元文化教育
並列篇名 Multicultural Education and the Theory of Multiple Intelligences
作者 霍力岩 、李敏谊
中文摘要 多元智力理论关于智力具有文化性的观点为多元文化教育提供了新的理论依据;多元智力理论在追求平等、尊重差异和倡导合作3个方面为多元文化教育提供了新的实际支持;多元智力理论在5个方面为多元文化教育提供了新的设计思路,即创设体现不同文化特色的学校环境、将不同文化整合到课程之中、采用适合不同认知方式的教学方法、与社区合作丰富学生的学习经验、在真实的情境中评价学生的发展。
英文摘要 This paper argues that The Theory of Multiple Intelligences makes great contribution to Multicultural Education both philosophically and practically. This theory pays more attention to equality, difference and cooperation which are the aims pursued by Multicultural Education. Based on the above 3 aspects, The Theory of Multiple Intelligences provides 5 new thoughts for Multicultural Education, they are: creating a school environment with different cultures, integrating different cultures into school lessons, teaching through multiple ways and by multiple means, cooperating with community and evaluating students in real environment.
頁次 12-16
關鍵詞 多元智力理论 多元文化教育 教育改革 Multicultural Education The Theory of Multiple Intelligences educational reforms CSSCI
卷期 26:11
日期 200511
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所