

篇名 A Case Study on the Use of Visual Aids in Helping the Demotivated Students at a Taiwanese Private University to Pre-read Western Classical Mythology
並列篇名 視覺輔助教材先行於閱讀古西臘羅馬神話:提升台灣私校大學生學習意願之成果分析
作者 陳瑞卿(Chen,Jui-ching)
中文摘要 目前就讀台灣各大學英文相關科系學生,大抵得研讀古西臘羅馬神話,但並非 人人樂於探究古西臘羅馬文化殿堂。那些英文學習成效不彰者,缺乏學習意願,畏 懼閱讀英文神話故事,更遑論對故事內容能全盤理解;故教師欲引發其閱讀神話故 事之樂趣,當屬不易之事。索性,時下網路資源豐富,教師於學生閱讀文本前,可 多方運用此資源,作為上課輔助教材,來提升學生閱讀信心與學習動機。有鑒於此, 本論文主要探討教師於課堂中如何使用網路視覺資料,作為輔助教材,並融合閱讀 前教學策略如先前知識、圖式理論及活化知識策略,來幫助學生尚未閱讀文本即可 獲悉故事大要之可行性。據此,本文主要探討閱讀前策略相關理論與其實踐,內容 分為四大要點: (一)剖析上學期修習個人西洋文學概論此門課程之大ㄧ新生,所面臨 共通學習困境;(二)分析閱讀前策略及其相關理論如何有助於學習意願低落學生之 學習;(三)討論如何使用網路相關資源來實踐閱讀前教學策略於本人西洋文學概論 課堂;(四)透過私下學生訪談、其學習單、問卷調查、與期末考成績之成效,來佐 證視覺輔助教材用於閱讀前策略教學之諸多益處。
英文摘要 Nearly all the English majors at Taiwanese universities have to study Western classical mythology, but not all of them, especially those demotivated freshmen with low English proficiency level, take an interest in the Grecian-Roman mythological stories. It appears very hard to appeal those demotivated students’ interest to take their first step with confidence to read the textual mythology, not to mention the fact that they cannot grasp the fundamental ideas to comprehend the written stories. Nevertheless, nowadays there are many Internet resources available for teachers to use as supplementary aids to enhance students’ interest and faith in their pre-reading the Ancient Greek and Roman mythology. This paper thus aims to explore how literary teachers might make use well of the visual Internet resources by adopting the pre-reading pedagogical strategies such as prior knowledge, schema theory, and strategies to activate knowledge so as to help their students learn about the summaries of the stories and get into the textual world more easily before the reading process. Accordingly, in terms of the pre-reading theoretical approach and its application, this paper is divided into four parts. It, first of all, introduces the general problems that most of freshmen faced in my Introduction to Western Literature class last term. Next, it discusses the pre-reading strategies and its related strategies that might be advantageous to the demotivated students. The third part is about how the pre-reading pedagogical strategies were applied in this case study, how the class was conducted and what Internet resources were mainly used. It eventually shows the beneficial results of the use of the visual aids and the application of the pre-reading strategies in the informal interviews, the questionnaire, the worksheets and the final exam.
頁次 113-141
關鍵詞 閱讀前策略 先前知識 圖式理論 視覺輔助教材 翻譯 古西臘羅馬神 話 pre-reading strategies prior knowledge schema theory visual aids translation Western classical mythology
卷期 12:2
日期 201407
刊名 SPECTRUM : NCUE Studies in Language, Literature, Translation
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學