

篇名 学科性质、学科体系抑或学科功能?——理性审思教育学学科地位的独立原点
並列篇名 The Disciplinary Nature, System or Function? ——A Rational Reflection on the Independent Origin of Education
作者 林丹
中文摘要 教育学学科是否具有独立的学科地位,并不取决于它的学科性质和学科体系,因为它们都是必要的不断反思、百家争鸣和集思广益。无论如何,事物之所以存在并拥有立足之地、继而具有独立甚至崇高的学科地位,更大程度上是由它无以替代的「功能」所决定。极而言之,教育学是否具有存在和独立的必要,不在于它是否具有明确的学科性质,也不在于它是否具有完善的统一体系,而重在自身学科功能的有效实现。满足教育实践需要、有效发挥学科功能,乃是教育学学科地位的独立原点。教育学也正是承担了「传承文化——认识世界」和「指导实践——改造世界」的两大基本职能,才被赋予其必需存在的生命根基,彰显出其独立学科地位的必然性和必要性。
英文摘要 Whether education has an independent disciplinary status or not does not depend on its disciplinary nature and system, which are the necessary continuous reflections, discussions and thoughts. Anyway, the reason why things exist and find a foothold somewhere, and then have independent even prestigious disciplinary status is to a great extent that it has unsubstituted "function". That is to say, whether education is necessary to exist and to be independent lies in neither whether it has definite disciplinary nature nor whether it has perfect consistent system, but lies in the effective realization of the disciplinary function. The independent origin of education is to meet the practical needs of education and to realize the disciplinary function effectively. The two fundamental functions education have, namely, “passing on culture-understanding the world” and “guiding the practice-changing the world”, endow education with a necessary existing foundation and show the inevitability and necessity of its independent disciplinary status.
頁次 16-21
關鍵詞 教育学 学科性质 学科体系 学科功能 Education Disciplinary nature Disciplinary system Disciplinary function CSSCI
卷期 3:3
日期 200706
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學