

篇名 論生死教育在我國實施的需要性與可行性
並列篇名 The Need and Applicability of Life-and-Death Education in Taiwan. R.O.C.
作者 張淑美(Chang, Shu-mei)
中文摘要 性與死均是人類的古老問題,但性教育和有關死亡的教育卻都是當代才新興的領域。死亡教育(Death education)或稱為「有關死亡、瀕死與喪慟的教育」(Education about death, dying and bereavement)在美國正式興起於1950年代至1960年代,目前在各級學校中廣被實施,已有專業組織成立,建立專業證照制度,有多種專業期刊印行,專門教科書、通俗教材等非常多,其趨勢將更普及並更專業化。我國死亡學(Thanatology)與死亡教育之引介約廿年左右歷史,生死學與生死教育則是近幾年才廣被談論,甚至有生死學研究所成立,頗是推廣契機。本文採文獻分析法,歸整國內外數十篇相關文獻,旨在藉研析美國死亡教育的發展與實施;映照討論我國從學前、各級學校到師資培訓階段實施生死教育的需要性;以歸整研擬出生死教育在我國學校、家庭與社會中可行的推動及實施方式,希供教育當局與教育界參考。
英文摘要 Death education was proscribed until the late 1950s in the United States. Systematic attempts to introduce death education in colleges were witnessed in the 1960s. Death education then spread to high schools and elementary schools. From the mid-1960s, death education onward accelerated. Now it is accepted as a legitimate need for living. Comparatively, Thanatology and death education were introduced into Taiwan, R.O.C. at the late 1970s. Now they have been accepted as “Life-and-death studies” and “Life-and-death education” in Taiwan.    This paper reviews the developments and practicums of death education in the United States. It analyzes and discusses the needs and possible strategies to implement “life-and-death education” at schools, homes, and in the society in Taiwan, R.O.C. Seventy-two references are included.
頁次 281-304
關鍵詞 死亡教育 生死教育 Death education Life-and-death education TSSCI
卷期 16
日期 200006
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系