

篇名 德育目标引论
並列篇名 An Introduction to “the God of Moral Education
作者 陈桂生
中文摘要 本文把 德育目标作为考察对象,从成文的德育目标与不一定成文的隐性的德育目标之别,着眼于德育必要性的德育取向与着眼于德育可能性的德育取向之别和古今德育之别等角度,揭示中西德育价值取向的差异和中国长期存在”德育四标过高”现象的历史根源。
英文摘要 Taking the goal of moral education as research object, this article uncovers the value differences between the Western and Chinese moral education, as well as the historical root of the excessive goal of moral education in China. Also discussed are the differences between stated and hidden, unstated goal of moral education, the differences between necessity—oriented and possibility—oriented moral education, and the differences between ancient and modern moral education.
頁次 12-14
關鍵詞 德育目标 possibility of moral education unstated goal of moral education goal of moral education 德育的可能性 不成文的德育目标 CSSCI
卷期 1:2
日期 200304
刊名 北京大學教育評論
出版單位 北京大學