

篇名 攻击行为社会信息加工模型与道德领域理论的整合
並列篇名 An Integration of Social Information Processing Model on Aggression and Moral Domain Theory
作者 高雯 、陈会昌
中文摘要 儿童攻击行为研究Dodge等人提出的社会信息加工模型,强调社会交互作用情境下个体的信息加工过程与后来的社会行为之间的联系,对于信息加工所依据的数据库则缺乏系统的阐述。领域理论源于对道德认知的思考,将个体的社会知识分为道德、常规和个人三个领域,强调个在领域认同标准和领域混合事件推理上的差异。Arsenio和Lemerise在情绪与社会信息加工模型整合的基础上,提出借鉴领域理论来说明数据库的内部结构以及其中的社会知识对于信息加工的影响。这些整合体现了认知和情绪在社会行为加工和决策过程中的交互作用,有利于说明存储在长时记忆中的社会知识之间的联系及作用,引发了对各种形式的内部心理成分的理论思考和多个实证研究方向,也为心理研究其它方面的整合工作提供了值得借鉴的研究思路。
英文摘要 Social information processing model provided by Dodge with his associates on aggression, is mainly about how the online information processing affects later social behaviors, whereas lacks exact descriptions on database of social knowledge and past experiences. Domain theory is about moral cognition, which indicates distinctions among individuals’ social judgments in moral, conventional and individual domains, also emphasizes individual differences in mixed─domain situations. After integrating emotion processes into social information processing model, it is argued that domain theory which is relevant for describing underlying mental structures regarding the nature and boundaries of what is moral, could be used to explain what the database is like and its influence on the information processing. The integrated model shows interactions between cognitive processes and emotion processes under social context, and leads to further consideration on multiple mental components, finally gives new directions for empirical researches and a considerable way for integrating different paradigms.
頁次 91-97
關鍵詞 moral cognition aggressive behaviors moral domain theory social information processing model 道德认知 攻击行为 道德领域理论 社会信息加工模型
卷期 16:1
日期 200801
刊名 心理科學進展
出版單位 中國科學院心理研究所