

篇名 再论教育创新 ─ 当代教育改革视野中的制度与个人
並列篇名 Remark on the Education Innovation ─ the System and the Individual in the View of Contemporary Education Reforms
作者 王占魁
中文摘要 教育学所关注的创新型人才的形成是以教育的真正发生为基础的,它所形成的建构在个体身上的自我生成素质,构成了个体创新的”积极”的内在原动力。与此同时,制度的变革作为创新型人才培养所不可或缺的外部环境,需要保持与之相应的”弹性”。本文从历史个人观的角度切入,通过对近、现代教育个人观的澄清和对于制度创新观的厘定,旨在为当代教育改革所关注的创新型人才培养的内外机制问题作以理论上的澄析。
英文摘要 The cultivation of innovative talents of which pedagogy cares about is firmly based on education, because it helps individuals to attain the quality of self─development that is an internal impulsion toward innovation. Meanwhile, the reforms of educational system should keep a responding elasticity with it. The article attempts to clarify the internal and outer mechanism in the innovative talent cultivation from a historical and individual view through explicating the individualism in contemporary education and analyzing views on system innovation.
頁次 40-43
關鍵詞 教育创新 当代教育改革 制度 个人 education innovation contemporary education reform system individual CSSCI
卷期 5:1
日期 200701
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學