

篇名 现代医学科研素质和实践能力培养的探索与实践
並列篇名 Explorations and Practices on Cultivation of Students’ Abilities for Scientific Research and Clinical Practice in Modern Medical Education
作者 教学办公室 、医学教育研究室
中文摘要 复旦大学上海医学院经过多年不断攺革与探索,建立了一套行之有效的科研素师及临床实践能力培养机制,主要体现在全程导师制的实施、课程体系的优化及教学方法的改进、床旁教学的实施、课外科技活动的开展等诸方面。通过鼓励本科生期接触科研实践、早期接触临床病人,培养学生严谨的科学态度、创新意识和团队合作精神,显著提高了医学生的研究创新能力和临床实践能力。
英文摘要 Based upon years of reforms and explorations, Shanghai Medial College of Fudan University has developed an effective mechanism helping to cultivate students’ abilities on scientific research and clinical practice. It is featured by full coverage of tutorship, optimized curriculum and experimental system, bedside teaching, plentiful extra─curricular activities, etc. Undergraduate Medical students are encouraged to engage in an early practice of scientific research, early contact with patients, thus to foster their strict attitude toward science, inspiration of innovation and spirits of teamwork. All these measures have dramatically increased students’ abilities on innovative scientific research and clinical practice.
頁次 88-91
關鍵詞 医学生 科研素质 实践能力 创新能力 Medical students Abilities of scientific research Abilities of practice Abilities of innovation CSSCI
卷期 5:6
日期 200711
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學