

篇名 比較研究與教育政策--實習教師制度及中小學教評會制度評析
並列篇名 Comparative Study and Educational Policy--Critical Analysis on the Systems of Student Teacher and Teacher Appraisement Committee in Primary and Secondary Schools
作者 王家通(Wang, Chia-tung)
中文摘要      本文主要目的在於透過實習教師制度及中小學教評會制度的比較評析,說明在教育政策的制定過程中,比較研究所佔的重要地位。  首先本文透過上述兩種制度的法令分析及實施現況的說明,以呈現這兩項制度的問題所在及其不合理之處,然後針對這些問題及不合之處,將德、美、日、英等國的做法與我國相互對照及比較討論,以瞭解我國的特殊性;再進一步從比較討論中,闡明我國制度之所以產生問題的原因所在。  根據本文分析發現,我國師資培育雖然想模仿德國實施嚴格的兩階段資格檢定與實習制度,但都缺乏德國制度的精神所在及教師中心等配套措施,以致實施結果只是有名無實。至於另一個例子-教評會制度,卻完全無視於外國經驗,亦未仔細研究其可行性,即閉門造車,冒然實施,以至於窒礙難行。  最後本文根據研究結果,提出三項建議:第一,乾脆取消現行實習教師制度而改採美日兩國的初任教師研習制度;第二,修法重新規定教評會每年至少必須舉行一至二次的共同招師制度,將過去的介聘精神納入其中;第三,今後新教育政策之擬定,必須先做深入的比較研究,然後仔細規畫,並充分討論。
英文摘要      The purpose of this article is to clarify the important position ofcomparative study in formulation and decision making of new educational policy,through critical comparative analysis of the systems of student teacher andteacher appraisement in this country.  At first, this article made a critical analysis of the regulations aboutabove mentioned two systems, and pointed out their unreasonable articles. Thenby the comparative study of the systems in Germany, United States, Japan andEngland, we have cleared the exceptional features in these two systems.  According to comparative analysis in this article, we discovered thatalthough the teacher education in this country is devoted to imitate the Germanmodel, yet it lacks the spirit of German system and its necessary measures. Forexample, we have not enough teacher centers, as a sesult, it becomes only in namebut not in eality. On the other hand, the system of teacher appraisement, has notnoly completely disregarded of the experience in other countries, but also nevermade a careful study about its feasibility. So at last, it becomes difficult toput into practice effectively.  At last, on the basis of this study, the researcher suggests three recommenda-tions:1.to give up the German model of student teacher system, and to adopt theUSA and Japanese beginning teacher's inservice-study system; 2.to revise theregulations, and stipulate that the committee of teacher appraisement must atleast have two times of the combined recruit of teachers every year; 3.in future,before the decision making of new educationall policy, it must have a carefulcomparative study with other countries.
頁次 65-89
關鍵詞 比較研究 教育政策 實習教師 教師評審委員會 Comparative study Educational policy Student teacher Committee of teacher appraisement TSSCI
卷期 15
日期 199906
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系