

篇名 英國小學科學教育改革:實地考察與思考
並列篇名 Field Observations of the Reform of Primary Science Education in England: Some Food for Thoughts
作者 丁邦平
中文摘要 笔者通过实地考察发现:英国小学科学课堂教学既有采用”建构式探究”教学模式的,也有采用”接受式探究”教学模式的。此外,近年来英国小学科学教育改革还采取了多项有效的政策性措施,如通过立法确立小学科学课程在国家义务教育课程中的核心地位;教师职前教育中注重培养小学教师的科学教学能力;国家建立”科学学习中心”,提高在职教师的专业化水平;在教学过程中普遍采用”学习性评价”,使评价与教学合二为一,以此提高探究教学的效率和质量,等等。
英文摘要 Through field investigations in London and Oxfordshire both constructivist inquiry teaching and reception-based inquiry teaching are identified as two major instruction models in the primary science classes. Besides, various policy measures have been taken to ensure the success of primary science education reform act; in pre-service teacher education, emphases are placed on prospective teachers’ ability to teach in an inquiry-based way; science learning centres have been established to assist in-service teachers in promoting their professionalism; and assessment for learning is commonly practiced in those science classes observed in order to improve teaching and learning in primary science.
頁次 66-71
關鍵詞 England assessment for learning constructivist inquiry teaching/learning primary science education 英國 學習性評價 建構試探究 小學科學教育 CSSCI
卷期 30:9
日期 200809
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所