

篇名 现代化进程中的知识与权力
並列篇名 Knowledge and Power in the Course of Modernization
作者 何历宇
中文摘要 知识与权力之间存在着天然的张力,二者既彼此渗透,又相互冲突。知识范畴的演变始终与权力不可分。现代化进程既加深了全力对知识的依赖,又削弱了知识分子对政治的决定性作用。西方国家经过现代化进程中知识与权力的激烈冲突后,逐步确立了一套比较完善的处理知识与权力关系的体系,但是其技术理性霸权又在一定程度上遮蔽了知识与权力的真正关系,阻碍了知识与权力的良性互动。中国在现代化进程中知识与权力的关系经过了反复的曲折与调整,反应了中国在现代化进程中知识与权力关系的极端复杂性。
英文摘要 There is an inherent tension between knowledge and power, they permeate and rely on each other at the meantime. The category of knowledge has all along changed according to the relation between knowledge and power. Knowledge has greatly extended its influence on politics but the decisive role of intellectual on politics has been weakened in the course of modernization. After a series of intense conflicts between knowledge and power in the course of modernization, the Western countries have established a sound system between knowledge and power. However, the hegemony of technological reason has concealed in the come degree the real relation between knowledge and power and blocked their mutual influence. The repeatedly conflicts and unsteady relation between knowledge and power have stemmed from the extreme complicatedness of Chinese modernization.
頁次 20-25
關鍵詞 现代化 知识 权力 Modernization knowledge power CSSCI
卷期 2:1
日期 200401
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學