

篇名 美国私立教育质量的社会规范机制    ─ 认证制度
並列篇名 Social Regulation System of American Private Education:Accreditation
作者 王淑娟
中文摘要 我国民办学校近几年在数量上发展很快,但是教育质量却良莠不齐。美国的认证制度借助于社会非政府组织力量来保障私立教育质量的做法带给我们一定的启示。在美国,私立学校若想得到社会和家长的承认,就必须在各方面完善自己来获得相关组织的认证。但是,中美两国毕竟国情不同,认证制度是否可以引入我国,论文在这方面也做了一定的思考。
英文摘要 Private schools have developed very quickly during recent years in our country, but as for their educational quality, the good and the bad are intermingled. In America, accreditation agencies, as the non─government organizations, are responsible for evaluation of the private school performance. If private schools want to get the recognition of the society and the parents, they must perfect their work to pass the accreditation of related agencies. The management of private schools in America is enlightening for us to develop the private education in China. However, the context of two countries is different and we must consider whether accreditation should be introduced to our country.
頁次 72-75
關鍵詞 认证 私立学校 美国 Accreditation private schools America CSSCI
卷期 3:2
日期 200503
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學