

篇名 口譯技巧訓練個案研究:跟述
並列篇名 A Case Study on Interpreting Skill Teaching-Shadowing
作者 張慧芳(Chang, Huei-fang)
中文摘要 本研究主要在於探討高難度跟述是否可實際應用於口譯教學,以及口譯學生對此技能的看法,共有十位就讀翻譯研究所的受測者參與此研究,包括三位筆譯組學生和七位口譯組學生,測試工具涵蓋一份由本研究者所設計用來測試學生對跟述意見的問卷,一個測後問題,以及一項學生的高難度跟述考試;SPSS用來計算學生對問卷的答覆,本研究結果發現共有十項學生最同意的陳述,其中列首位的項目為片 語跟述對學生有幫助,第二位同意的項目為先聽文本且朗讀文本有助做高難度跟述,第三位同意項目共有三個陳述,亦即做高難度跟述時聽朗讀文本和做筆記有助於存留訊息,句法轉換比字詞轉換更困難,做高難度跟述時句法轉換有助於複習文法,有關測後問題,大多數受測者一致同意練習高難度跟述的好處超乎原先的預期,訓練跟述技巧的相關教法於文中加以討論。
英文摘要 This study mainly aims to find out whether smart shadowing is applicable in interpreting teaching and if interpreting trainees’ viewpoints toward this technique are positive. There are 10 subjects with 3 translation majors and 7 translation majors in a graduate master program of translation and interpretation involved with this research. The instruments used include one shadowing survey questionnaire designed by the researcher with five-point scale, one follow-up survey, and one smart shadowing test. SPSS is used to calculate their questionnaire’s response frequency for each item. The subjects’ smart shadowing performance was transcribed. The findings of this study show that the most agreed items are as follows. The mostly agreed item is that phrase shadowing is helpful (4.5); the second agreed item is listening to and reading aloud the text first help do smart shadowing (4.4). There are three third agreed items consist of listening to text reading and doing note-taking help retain the information while doing smart shadowing, syntax change is more difficult than word change in doing smart shadowing, and doing syntax change helps review grammar use while doing smart shadowing, with same mean (4.2) for three items. For the follow-up questions, most of them agreed that the advantages of practicing smart shadowing are beyond their expectation. Implications for shadowing are provided.
頁次 101-117
關鍵詞 跟述 高難度跟述 重述 逐步口譯 同步口譯 shadowing smart shadowing paraphrasing CI SI
卷期 8
日期 201201
刊名 SPECTRUM : NCUE Studies in Language, Literature, Translation
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學