

篇名 初中阶段农民工子女特质应对方式及其影响因素
並列篇名 Coping Style and Influential Factors of the Migrant Labor and Town's Children in Junior School
作者 陈璐 、叶一舵
中文摘要 采用特质应对方式问卷(TCSQ)对580 名初中学生(286 名农民工子女和294 名城镇子女)进行调查,以探求初中阶段农民工子女特质应对方式现状及其影响因素,并将农民工子女的特质应对方式与城镇子女进行比较分析,从而为初中阶段农民工子女的心理健康教育提供实际依据。结果表明:(1)农民工子女与城镇子女在特质应对方式上都有别于健康人群标准;(2)初中阶段农民工子女在性别、年级、是否为独生子女上与特质应对方式存在显著性差异,在父母教养方式、家庭经济情况、父母亲职业、父母文化程度等因素上不存在显著性差异;(3)农民工子女的消极应对水平在性别、父亲职业上存在交互作用;(4)城镇子女的积极应对水平在性别、家庭经济情况上存在交互作用。
英文摘要 Using coping style questionnaire(TCSQ)the authors sampled 600 Junior high school students Including children of migrant laborers and town as subjects to investigate the situation and influential factors of the migrant labor and town's children in Junior. Comparing the migrant labor and town's children in order to provide a basis for practice. The results show that: a. The migrant labor and town's children in coping style differs from the health standard; b. Gender, grade and whether One-child or not have important influence on coping styles of the migrant labor and town's children in Junior, but on parental rearing patterns, family financial circumstances, parents professional, parents educational level and other influential factors, they have no significant difference; c. Variables of gender and father's occupation interacts in the Negative Coping style of the migrant labors's children; d. Variables of gender and family financial circumstances interacts in the Positive Coping style of the town's children.
頁次 104-112
關鍵詞 农民工子女 城镇子女 特质应对方式 影响因素 the migrant labors'children the town's children coping style influential factors
卷期 11:1
日期 201402
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學