

篇名 全肢體反應教學法對國小身心障礙學生功能性英語詞彙學習成效之研究
並列篇名 The Effects of Total Physical Response on English Functional Vocabulary Learning for Students with Disabilities in the Elementary School
作者 許惠菁 、林千惠
中文摘要 本研究採單一受試者設計之跨受試多重試探設計,以探討國小身心障礙學生接受全肢體反應教學法(Total Physical Response,簡稱TPR)後,其功能性英語詞彙聽覺理解與表達能力之立即學習成效、保留與類化效果,以及TPR對身心障礙學生英語教學設計之啟示、對身心障礙學生學習英語的興趣與動機之影響。研究對象為彰化縣某國民小學資源班的輕度智能障礙學生(甲生)、中度智能障礙學生(乙生)與學習障礙學生(丙生)各乙名。本研究結果如下:一、TPR教學法對身心障礙學生功能性英語詞彙聽覺理解能力具有立即學習成效。二、 TPR教學法對乙生、丙生功能性英語詞彙之表達能力具有立即學習成效;但對甲生是否具有表達能力方面之立即學習成效,則有待進一步確認。三、 TPR教學法對身心障礙學生功能性英語詞彙聽覺理解能力與表達能力具有保留效果。四、 針對身心障礙學生的英語教學設計,應盡量避免於教學初期即教導字首子音組或含有r的字與過於繁複或相似之句型。五、 透過對學生本人之訪談得知,其對英語學習的動機與興趣,因接受TPR的教學而有所提昇。六、 乙生、丙生之家長認為TPR能促進其孩子對英語學習的動機與興趣,甲生之家長較持保留態度。
英文摘要 The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of Total Physical Response (TPR)on English functional vocabulary learning for students with disabilities in the elementary school. A multiple probe design across subjects of single-subject experimental design was used to evaluate the effects. The results of this study are as follows, 1. The immediate effects of TPR on listening comprehension of English functional vocabulary learning for students with disabilities in the elementary school were found. 2. Student B and student C learned the expressing abilities of English functional vocabulary immediately through TPR, while student A didn't. 3. The maintaining effects of TPR on listening comprehension and expressing abilities for students with disabilities in the elementary school were found in this study. 4. It is recommended that blends and words with letter "r" and sentences that are complex or similar should not be taught at first for students with disabilities. 5. Students' motivation and interests in learning English were enhanced through TPR. 6. Parents of student B and C believed that students' motivations and interests in learning English were encouraged through TPR, while parent of student A didn't think so. According to the results of this study, the English learning abilities of students with disabilities are doubtless and should be emphasized. Educators should learn how to utilize a variety of approaches like TPR in order to address the needs of the students and help them learn more effectively.
頁次 059-084
關鍵詞 全肢體反應教學法(TPR) 身心障礙學生 功能性詞彙 Total Physical Response(TPR) students with disabilities functional vocabulary
卷期 15
日期 200512
刊名 特殊教育與復健學報
出版單位 國立臺南大學特殊教育學系