

篇名 转型之下的台湾高等教育
並列篇名 Taiwan’s Higher Education in Transition
作者 林杰
中文摘要 进入21世纪之后的台湾正迎来一个高等教育普及化的时代,伴随着国立大学的法人化运动以及私立大学的发展,台湾高等教育处于一个深刻的转型时期。在经费减少、生源下降、市场竞争日趋激烈的情况下,台湾高等教育被迫实施自主经营、民主治校、院校整合、高校评鉴等一系列改革举措,主题是提升质量、增加大学的国际竞争力。但在改革的过程中,也暴露出许多较为严峻的问题。
英文摘要 Taiwan’s higher education has entered a phase of popularization since the beginning of 21 century. With the public corporation movement of national universities and the development of private universities, Taiwan’s higher education is undergoing a profound transition. With the decrease of funds and perspective students, and the fiercer market completion, Taiwan’s higher education system has to carry out a series of reforms such as independent and democratic management, and collegial combination and evaluation, whose theme is to improve the education quality and strengthen the colleges’ power in international competition. But there are still many serious problems in the process of reform.
頁次 85-90
關鍵詞 高等教育 台湾 转型 大学法人化 私立大学 Higher education Taiwan Transition Collegial corporation Private university CSSCI
卷期 2:2
日期 200604
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學