

篇名 中美日大学生资助政策新动向的比较研究
並列篇名 A Comparitive Study on the New Trends of National Policies for University Student Grants in China, America and Japan
作者 徐国兴
中文摘要 当历史进入21世纪头十年的中期,中美日都在加强国家奖助学金的资助力度和功能,这是世界经济发展形势、高等教育发展阶段和大学生资助制度本身发展的需要所决定的。但是中美日强化国家奖助学金资助的方式有所不同,美日的国家奖助学金完全面向经济贫困大学生,而我国的国家奖助学金则是尽可能面向所有大学生。
英文摘要 With the advent of the midst period of the first ten years in the 21 century, a new trend of university student grant system towards a more strengthened national system has occurred in China, as well as in America and Japan. It is a necessary result of the development of economy, higher education and student aid system. However, different countries have different characters in their student grant systems. Both America and Japan are aiming particularly at poor students while China endeavors to offer grants for students as more as possible.
頁次 71-74
關鍵詞 大学生资助 政策 奖助学金 助学贷款 University student aids Policies Grant Student loan CSSCI
卷期 6:2
日期 200803
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學