

篇名 影響新制中等學校實習教師專業發展相關因素研究
並列篇名 Fators Related to Pre-service Teachers' Professional Development
作者 林信榕(Lin, Shinn-rong)
中文摘要 本研究之目的於找出影響新制實習教師專業發展的相關因素。研究母群為八十七學年度全台灣地區3,521位之實習老師,本研究以分層隨機抽樣的方式抽出690位實習教師進行問卷調查。回卷率約為65.8%,13份為無效問卷,有效問卷為441份。問卷信度,在量測「實習教師專業發展情形」的部分,第一次測試為Gronbach alpha信度0.89,第二次為0.95。    對於所蒐集的資料,本研究同時進行量與質的分析,質的部分因限於篇幅,本文僅就量的分析結果加以探討。量的分析方面,使用了描述性統計(平均數、標準差、次數分配)、關聯分析、半淨相關複迴歸分析及逐步複迴歸分析等統計分析方法。    根據分析結果本研究發現:(一)有31個因素(上述7個因素不包括在內)與「實習教師的專業發展情形」皆達統計顯著水準的正相關;(二)33個影響實習教師專業發展因素可對「實習教師的專業發展情形」解釋57.66%變異量;(三)有9個變項為預測「實習教師專業發展情形」的因子,並對「實習教師專業發展情形」解釋了55.1%的變異量。根據研究結果,共提出十一項建議。
英文摘要 The purpose of this study was to identify factors related to preservice teachers’ professional development. The population of this study was 3,521 teachers who had taken part in internship at secondary schools from July 1, 1998 to June 30, 1999. A stratified random selection procedure was used in the sampling plan of the study. The sample size was 690. The response rate of this study was 65.8%.    The questionnaire was developed by observation, face-to-face interview, and teachers’ reflection during the prior year’s research. The reliability of section B was Cronbach alpha .95. Descriptive analysis, correlation analysis, semi-partial multiple regression analysis, and stepwise multiple regression analysis statistical techniques were used to analyze the data collected.    The find of this study were that: (1)thirty-three factors had statistically significant positive relationships with pre-service teachers’ professional development (the dependent variable), and these factors explained 57.66% variance of the dependent variable; (2)there were 7 factors had statistically significant in the semi-partial multiple regression analysis; (3)there were 9 factors as predictors for pre-service teachers’ professional development, they explained 55.1% variance of the dependent variable. According to the results of this study there were 11 suggestions were proposed.
頁次 73-103
關鍵詞 師資培育 教育實習 專業成長 實習教師 Teacher education Internship Professional development Pre-service teacher TSSCI
卷期 16
日期 200006
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系