

篇名 中英两国教育督导制度比较研究:动因、意义与职能
並列篇名 Comparative Study on Educational Inspection System between U.K. and China:Impetus, Significance and Functions
作者 王璐
中文摘要 英国教育督导制度至今已有将近 170年的历史,而我国改革开放后督导制度的恢复重建才不到30年,但是推动两国督导制度建立的一个共同动因是全民义务教育目标的实现。两国在不同历史条件下都意识到教育督导是管理制度不可缺少的一部分,所不同的是,英国在国家教育管理制度建立的同时就设立了督导机构,保证了教育事业发展的质量、教育决策的审慎和政策落实的到位,而我国是在总结历史经验教训的基础上,经过了教育发展的大起大落之后才意识到这一问题。由于中英两国政治体制和国情的不同,英国教育督导制度以督学为主,我国督导制度兼顾督政与督学。
英文摘要 British School Inspection system was established about 170 years ago and it has been only 30 years since Chinese educational inspection system was reconstructed. But the same impetus behind the both systems was the goal for universal compulsory education. Although both countries realized the importance of inspection system as a part of educational administration, the difference was that school inspection system and national educational administration system set up almost at the same time in the UK and the system ensured the quality of education , imprudent policy making and sound policy implementation. While in China, we realized the importance of inspection based on many years of lessons from up and down in educational development.
頁次 60-65
關鍵詞 China Britain educational inspection 英国 中国 教育督导 CSSCI
卷期 30:10
日期 200810
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所