

篇名 社会问题、教育问题、抑或种族问题?——法国2005年城市骚乱简析
並列篇名 Social, Educational or Racial Problem?——Brief Analysis of Urban Disturbance in France in 2005
作者 邢克超
中文摘要 2005年10月始于巴黎后蔓延数省的法国城市暴力事件有着深刻的历史原因和社会背景,大部分参与者是身处弱势的移民子女。移民,在法国有时被纳入广义的「外国人」之列,后者约占法国总人口的十分之一,绝对不容忽视。法国教育政策的制定和实施中没有充分体现应有的平等、非功利和多元的性质,以及公民道德教育效果欠佳,这些都是身处弱势的青年,特别是移民青年反社会心理和行为形成的重要原因。
英文摘要 The violent disturbance started in Paris and then spread to other provinces in France in 2005 has deep historical reasons and social background. Most of the people involved in the disturbance were young people from disadvantaged immigrant families. In France immigrants are sometimes included in the category of “oreigners” in a broad sense, which takes about one tenth of the French population. They must not be ignored. The educational policy and process in France fails to reflect the nature of equality, non-utility and pluralism. The important reason for the antisocial psycho and actions of the disadvantaged young people, especially young immigrants, is that the moral education for citizens is not very effective.
頁次 1-5
關鍵詞 法国城市骚乱 移民 教育 city disturbance in France immigrants education CSSCI
卷期 27:3
日期 200603
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所