

篇名 中美中学生学科知识结构的比较研究:基于概念图评价技术的实验研究
並列篇名 The Comparative Study of Middle School Students’ Knowledge Structure between China and America
作者 张丽萍 、王嫣 、董博清 、周增尧
中文摘要 概念图是一种以图表的形式反映概念和概念之间关系的空间网络知识结构图,它能全面地评价学生的知识结构。文章用平均分、茎叶图、命题构建和构图结构四个变量对中美中学生的学科知识结构进行了定量和定性的比较实验研究。实验表明,中美中学生的学科知识结构有显著差异。相对于美国中学生,中国中学生的应试能强,平均分高,但分数分布不均匀;虽然他们的基础知识扎实,学科知识的掌握及运用较好,但在常识性知识和知识创新上有待提高。
英文摘要 A concept map is a schematic device for representing a set of concept meanings embedded in a framework of propositions. It can be used in evaluating students’ knowledge structure. This article introduces the comparative study of middle school students’ knowledge structure between China and America. They are compared quantitatively and qualitatively in terms of mean score, individual proposition scores, proposition choice and map structure. The results indicate that students’ knowledge structures in the two country are remarkably different. Compared with American students, Chinese students’ ability to take an exam is stronger and their mean score is higher. However Chinese students need to improve their general knowledge and knowledge innovation although their basic knowledge is solid, they are better in mastering discipline knowledge and knowledge utilization.
頁次 12-16
關鍵詞 学科知识结构 学科知识结构评价 概念图评价 中国中学生 美国中学生 pedagogical knowledge structure pedagogical knowledge structure assessment concept map assessment Chinese middle school students American middle school students CSSCI
卷期 30:2
日期 200802
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所