

篇名 现代高校课程设置人本取向之思考
並列篇名 On Curriculum Provision of Modern Institutions of Higher Learning for the Development
作者 彭波 、胡弼成
中文摘要 教育要以人为本,高校课程设置更应体现”以人为本”的教育理念。当前高校课程设置逆人本取向的弊端,其根本原因是高等教育培养目标不明,高校课程设置价值取向不明。本文通过分析当前高校课程设置人本取向的主要制约因素,指出现代高校课程设置的价值取向应是人的全面发展,得出了高校课程设置必须注意科学课程与人文课程的融合,选修课程与必修课程的比例,专业课程与基础课程的制衡,显性课程与隐性课程的协同等。
英文摘要 Curriculum provision of the institution for higher learning exists much abuse currently. Its fundamental reason is that the object of higher education is ambiguous and value orientation of curriculum provision of the higher institution is not clear. This paper analyses the main abuse and the important restrictive factors of the curriculum provision and points out that the value orientation of curriculum provision is the all-round development of man, and suggests some emphasis be put in the curriculum provision of the institution, such as the integration of scientific curriculum and humanistic curriculum, the ratio of elective courses and required courses, the equilibrium of major courses and basic courses, and the coordination of dominant curriculum and hidden curriculum.
頁次 62-65
關鍵詞 课程 课程设置 人的全面发展 价值取向 Curriculum curriculum provision all-round development of man value orientation CSSCI
卷期 1:5
日期 200309
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學