

篇名 視障生閱讀大字體課本及以光學儀器閱讀一般字體課本之效果比較研究
並列篇名 The Comparison of Reading Performances of Students with Low Vision
作者 李永昌 、廖榮啟 、李淑櫻
中文摘要 本研究的目的在比較國小視障生閱讀大字體課本及以光學儀器閱讀一般字體課本的效果。研究方法以質、量方式進行資料收集;量的部分,為實驗設計,受試對象共有三組,分別是一般學生組、大字體課本組、及光學儀器組。每組各有10名國小學生,其中大字體課本組及光學儀器組的受試對象為視障生,且之前均使用大字體課本作為閱讀媒介。實驗進行,由光學儀器組的受試對象接受光學儀器操作的訓練,大字體課本組的受試對象則是持續練習閱讀大字體課本。三組對象在實驗前後,分別接受閱讀效果的測驗,並就測驗的結果進行比較。質的部分,則採行為觀察及訪談方式進行資料收集。研究結果發現:一、視障生的閱讀方式雖有不同,但效果卻沒有顯著的差異。二、操作訓練和提供學習使用光學儀器的機會,有助於視障生自行閱讀一般字體課本。最後並針對研究結果提出對主管教育行政機關、視障教育工作者、視障生家長、及後續研究者的建議。
英文摘要 The purpose of the study was to compare the reading performances among students without visual impairments, low-visioned students who read large print and those who read standard print with optical devices. The samples were 20 students with low vision and 10 without visual impairments who all were studying in elementary schools. All students with low vision read large print before the study, and were divided into two groups; one with large print while the other with standard print and optical devices. There were two approaches, quantitative and qualitative, in this study. With respect to quantitative approach, only low-visioned students who read standard print with optical devices received training and practice on how to use optical devices. Reading performances of samples were assessed. Observations and interviews employed for qualitative approach were from both students with low vision and training instructors. There were two major findings in this study. One was that the reading performances were not different significantly between low-visioned students who read large print and those who read standard print with optical devices. The other was training and practice on how to use optical devices were helpful for students with low vision to read standard print. At the end of the study, suggestions were raised for both teachers and parents of students with low vision, and researchers also.
頁次 091-107
關鍵詞 視障生 大字體課本 一般字體課本 光學閱讀儀器 students with low vision large print standard print optical devices
卷期 13
日期 200412
刊名 特殊教育與復健學報
出版單位 國立臺南大學特殊教育學系