

篇名 幼教輔導人員專業能力滿意度之調查研究:受輔園所之觀點
並列篇名 A Survey on the Satisfaction of Mentors’ Professional Competencies for Early Childhood Education Program from Mentees’ Points of View
作者 張素貞 (Su-Chen Chang) 、林葙葙 (Shang-Shang Lin)
中文摘要 本研究主要的目的是從受輔園所的觀點來探究幼教輔導人員專業能力表現之滿意度,並且比較不同背景變項的園所對幼教輔導人員專業能力滿意度之差異情形。本研究以問卷調查法為主,並佐以訪談四位受輔園所長及老師。研究工具為研究者自編之「幼教輔導人員專業能力滿意度之調查」問卷,採五點式量表。研究對象為95-98學年度參加教育部補助辦理公私立幼稚園輔導計畫之受輔園所。資料以次數分配、百分比、帄均數、t檢定、及單因子變異數分析等統計方法,加以分析。研究結果顯示,受輔園所對輔導人員專業能力之滿意度,介於「滿意」到「非常滿意」之間,整體帄均數為4.442。而不同背景變項之受輔園所,對幼教輔導人員專業能力表現滿意度,整體而言,均未達顯著差異。針對研究發現與結論,提出對幼稚園輔導相關之輔導人員、政府機構提出建議,及未來後續研究可能方向之建議。
英文摘要 The purposes of this research are to investigate the satisfactions of Mentors’ professional competencies for the early childhood education program from the mentees’ points of view and to compare the differences of the satisfactions of Mentors’ professional competencies from mentees with different background factors.A questionnaire survey Method was adopted in this study. In addition, interviews were held with four directors and teachers who had taken part in the Mentoring Project. A self-developed questionnaire, The Satisfaction of Mentors’ Professional Competencies for Early Childhood Education Program Questionnaire, with 5-point Likert scale was used as a research tool. The subjects of the study were the directors or the teachers who had participated in the Mentoring Project between 2006 and 2009 school years. Frequency distribution, percentage, average, t-test, and one-way ANOVA were used for data analysis.The results of this study showed that the satisfactions of Mentors’ professional competencies from mentees’ points of view were between 「satisfaction」 and 「very satisfaction」, and the overall average satisfaction rate was 4.442. In general, there were no significant differences among different background factors.Finally, based on the research findings, several recommendations were proposed for mentors, officials and researchers respectively.
頁次 049-076
關鍵詞 幼兒教育 輔導人員 專業能力 滿意度 early childhood education mentor professional competency satisfaction
卷期 7
日期 201109
刊名 幼兒教保研究期刊
出版單位 國立嘉義大學幼兒教育系