

篇名 英国公共教育的制度变与组织重构
並列篇名 System Transformation and Organizational Reconstruction of British Public Education
作者 田凌晖 、李海生
中文摘要 20世纪年代末,传统的公共部门管理模式发生了变革,随着改革的深入,公共教育为改革的重要领域。英国是这场改革的领跑者,在整体的改革框架下,公共教育制度发生了变迁,组织结构和治理关系也随之改变,中央政府对教育的控制力显著加强,地方教育当局的学校管理权持续分化和弱化,学校自我管理的机构和运行机制得以确立,市场力量介入到教育管理领域。
英文摘要 At the end of 1970s, with the reforms continued in public sector, the traditional model of public management was transformed. The reform has spread to the field of public education. Britain was the leading country in reforming its public education. Under the framework of the whole systemic transform, the organizational structure and relationship of governance have changed as well. The control of the central government to the public education has been enhanced, while the local governments’ administration has been weakened, and the school authorities have been ensured.
頁次 72-76
關鍵詞 公共教育 制度变迁 组织重构 public education system transformation organizational reconstruction CSSCI
卷期 3:4
日期 200507
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學