

篇名 废科举的政治影响与启思
並列篇名 Influence of Abolishing Imperial Examination on Politics and its Suggestions
作者 郑若玲
中文摘要 科举对历史上的政治制度和社会治理了巨大作用。科举的废止,造成清末庄会人心动荡,城乡分割日重一日,政局遂变得混沌脱序。废科举所带来的社会震荡,说明对重大的社会和教育制度的变革,必须遵循渐进的原则。在对待高考的态度上,废科举的政治影响可以给我们重要的启思:在没有找到更佳的选材方法前,我们不应贸然否定和抛弃而应坚守和健全现有的相对科学、合公平的高考制度。
英文摘要 Since Imperial Examination have ever had huge social and politics impact, its abolishment thus caused a same hugh mess to the society of the time. It tells us that to reform those important systems should be carried out step by step. We can also get important inspiration from it on reforms of College Entrance Examination in nowadays China. We should maintain College Entrance Examination instead of discarding it rashly before we find a better way, since it is a reasonably valid and relatively reliable measure to select high-quality students.
頁次 40-43
關鍵詞 科举 政治影响 启思 高考 CSSCI
卷期 6:3
日期 200805
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學