

篇名 “莫扎特效应”的“效应”局限-兼论儿童音乐教育的价值
並列篇名 The “Limited Effect”of “Mozare Effect”:The Value of Music Education for Children
作者 覃江梅
中文摘要 “莫扎特效应”出现于20世纪90年代,自出现之日就引起了科学界、政界、教育界乃至商界的强烈兴趣,但也一直处于争论之中。至今,它的可靠性还没有得到确认。在科学界,认知心理学的最新实验研究和探讨表明,尚没有足够的证据表明它的可靠性。在教育界,它引发了音乐教育的价值问题,也应谨慎地对待。从音乐的本质来看,音乐是人类多样化的实践,也是人类内在的生命冲动和需求。因此,音乐教育的主要价值不在于为其它学科能力的发展奠定基础,而是呵护儿童的音乐灵性。
英文摘要 “Mozare Effect” as born in 1990s. It has aroused strong concerns in scientific, politic, educational field as well as commercial field since then, and it has been in controversy from the very beginning. Until now, its reliability has never been sufficiently confirmed. In scientific field, the latest experimental researches and discussions show that, there are no sufficient evidences for its reliability. As for the educational field, “Mozare Effect”also arouses the question of what is the main value of music education, which should be dealt seriously. To view it from its nature, music is a diverse human practice and the innate impulse and need of human being. Hence, the main value of music education is not to be the basis of the developmental ability for other subjects but to take good card of children’s music wisdom.
頁次 40-43
關鍵詞 音乐教育 莫扎特效应 音乐 呵护 Music education Mozare effect Music Take good care CSSCI
卷期 3:6
日期 200712
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學