

篇名 國中實習教師教學反省的內容與層次之分析
並列篇名 A Study on Reflective Contents and Levels of Interns' Journal Accounts in Junior High School
作者 吳和堂(Wu, Ho-tang)
中文摘要      本研究旨在探討國中實習教的教學反省的內容與層次,採用文獻調查法詳查教學反省的相關文獻,並採用質的研究法探討國中實習教的教學反省的內容與層次。本研究請國立高雄師範大學教育學系公費結業生,於八十六學年度與國中實習的實習教師撰寫教學反省日誌,作為質的研究依據。經研究結果發現:1.教學反省的內容對象以學生種種行為為主,其次是班級經營、反省教學、研習心得、行政工作、同事與實習心得。2.反省的內容相當的紛歧,鮮少交集。3.教學反省的層次以技術理性層次的篇居多,其次為實際行動層次,最少為批判的反省層次。4.國中實習教師彼此之間的反省能力差異大,差異的原因決定於反省者,而非反省的內容。本研究建議:1.我國國中實習教師的教學反省層次比西方國家低,反省能力有待加強。2.增加研習機會以增進其專業的成長。3.國中實習教師不應兼太多的額外工作,使有精力做反省的功夫。
英文摘要      This study sought to explore reflective contents and levels of interns'nal accounts in junior high School. In order to get through this study, researchersampled 9 interns graduated from Educational Department of onal Kaohsiung NormalUniversity, and every sample wrote the journaling at least twice every month. Inthe end of semester, 69 journal writings collected. By analyzing these journals,two results were stated as ow:Reflective contents are classified into 6 categories: classroom management,teaching, workshops, administration, colleagues and practicum.Reflective levels contain three aspects: technical, practical and critical.Among interns accounts, the former is the most, and the latter is the leastreports.
頁次 143-170
關鍵詞 教學反省 反省內容 反省層次 Teaching reflection Reflective content Reflective level TSSCI
卷期 15
日期 199906
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系