

篇名 高等教育的藍海策略:明確定位、有效治理
並列篇名 The Implications of Blue Ocean Strategy for Higher Education
作者 楊國賜
中文摘要 本文旨在探究當前我國大學正面臨全球化激烈競爭的關鍵時刻,如何謀求應變策略,進行重大轉型。作者提出「藍海策略」的新管理機制,建議各大學校院考量學校的資源、條件與發展特色,來決定本身的任務,以及在市場機制下如何定位清楚,並試圖以產品區隔凸顯特色,以達成有效治理校務,全面提升大學教育品質與競爭力。
英文摘要 "The paper discusses how our universities are now at the critical juncture of facing global competition and confrontation, and that each university strives for some strategies to make significant transformation. In response to the needs of the new century, the author proposes the “Blue Ocean Strategy” for development of higher education to serve as a basis for the pursuit of academic excellence.
The paper includes five parts. First, it explains the changing environment in higher education. Second, it discusses core values of the idea of a university and its functions. Third, it analyses the major conceptions and approaches of the “Blue Ocean Strategy.” Fourth, it proposes some concrete measures to classify the position of higher education. Finally, this paper pays an emphasis on taking effective governance in order to exercise the new functions and improve the overall quality and competitiveness of higher education."
頁次 1-23
關鍵詞 高等教育 藍海策略 分類定位 治理 higher education blue ocean strategy classification governance
卷期 1:1
日期 200612
刊名 高等教育
出版單位 台灣高等教育學會