

篇名 老子的义德观及其教育价值
並列篇名 Lao Tzu's Yi View and its Educational Values
作者 刘峻杉(LIU, Jun-shan)
中文摘要 有关老子“义”思想的研究相对于老子“道”“德”“仁”“礼”思想等方面的研究更为少见,这反映了人们对老子“义”思想的普遍性观念。仔细分析,会发现老子思想中其实蕴含着丰厚的义德思想。老子将“义”置于其“道、德、仁、义、礼、智、信”的道德系统中来论述,义德是“下德”第二阶段的主导,老子义德观具有本体论特征。唯道是从,勇于承担;柔能生强,慈而后勇,是老子义德观在人格气质修养方面的鲜明特征。在伦理主张方面,老子义德观启示以“尊道贵德”作为正义的前提性条件,利益取舍需要考虑“道法自然”原则下的个人承受力,以及效法天道原则来完成利益再分配。当今社会公德建设需要在加强制度性的同时,呼唤义德精神的响应。
英文摘要 There were fewer researches about Lao Tzu’s Yi theory than his Ren or Li theory, which reflects the universality of people’s viewpoint. Lao Tzu discussed Yi in the theory system of Tao, De, Ren, Yi, Li, Zhi and Xin. Yi was dominant in the second phase of decomposed De, so it had ontological characteristics. The personality and temperament character of Yi was to obey Tao and to have the courage to take on. Lao Tzu also stressed that the soft can be the mother of the strong, loving can bring courage. Lao Tzu stressed that "respect for Tao and De" as the premise of justice conditions. For the interests choice, Lao Tzu revealed the need of considering the principle of "nature" as well as the personal endurance. The redistribution of interests also needed to follow the principle of Tao. Lao Tzu’s Yi theory revealed that the narrow morality and the Yi spirit shrinking were the important reasons of society morality deficiency.
頁次 019-027
關鍵詞 正义 勇气 责任 道家 公德 justice esponsibility courage morality
卷期 12:2
日期 201504
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學