

篇名 Ghost and Writing in Hamlet
並列篇名 《哈姆雷特》中的鬼魂和文字
作者 潘恩典(John Pan)
中文摘要 本文是對艾爾斯(P. K. Ayers)的〈閱讀、書寫和哈姆雷特中〉的回應。從艾爾斯的角度看來,德希達的學說並不具原創性,因為「早在德希達之前三百五十年,哈姆雷特就提出類似的議論了。」德希達對批評「理體中心論」(logocentrism)一直不遺餘力。如果哈姆雷特也具有德希達的洞察力,他必須對語言也懷著相同的執疑態度。
英文摘要 Ayers claims that Hamlet is “anticipating Derrida by some three and a halfcenturies.” Derrida has always been a bitter critic of the logocentric tradition. If Hamlet isreally anticipating Derrida, Hamlet must also be a disbeliever in language. Logocentrismis a belief centered on presence. Derrida tries to prove that all language is writing, and allwriting implies absence. The logocentric tradition, on the other hand, insists thatlanguage, and especial speech, implies presence. This tradition has dominated theWestern thought for millennia. In the works of Shakespeare, there are strong evidencessuggesting that Shakespeare has been heavily influenced by this tradition. In my analysis,I will show that Shakespeare’s Hamlet is not immune from its contagion, either.
The trial Hamlet undergoes may offer him a glimpse at the fact that languageimplies absence. But he refuses to accept this fact. At last, Hamlet chooses to retreat intoa ghostly but eternal existence provided by language.
頁次 087-100
關鍵詞 Hamlet Shakespeare Derrida language writing ghost absence 哈姆雷特 莎士比亞 德希達 語言 書寫
卷期 6
日期 201001
刊名 SPECTRUM : NCUE Studies in Language, Literature, Translation
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學