

篇名 資優障礙學生學校生態系統研究
並列篇名 School-based Ecosystem of the Gifted with Disabilities
作者 吳昆壽
中文摘要 本研究乃賡續「資優障礙學生家庭生態系統研究」,以及「資優障礙學生家庭生態系統研究:跨文化的比較」,對資優障礙學生學校生態的進一步探討。研究的樣本仍是以上述研究樣本為主,但扣除已升上大學者;總共調查仍在中小學就讀的65位資優障礙學生,但此次調查的對象是這些學生的級任和科任老師。問卷調查的回收率是72%。除問卷調查之外,也舉辦了南、北兩場座談會,對象是資優障礙學生的級任、科任或輔導老師。本研究旨在探討資優障礙學生的整體學校生態現象,也比較國小、國中、高中學校生態的差異。研究發現學校生態較顯著的現象是(1)資優障礙學生在教室內與同儕、老師的互動良好,教室空間也符合便利和安全;(2)資優障礙學生在學校內不會受到排斥,其他同學的父母也都能接納;(3)校長、老師支持特殊教育,校園有無障礙設施且是安全的;(4)必要時老師可以獲得諮詢管道,教育局也支持學校的特殊教育;(5)學校生態的微視系統、中間系統、外部系統、和鉅視系統在國小、國中、高中無顯著差異;(6)學校整體的心理環境、物理環境、學校支援、外部支援在國小、國中、高中無顯著差異。
英文摘要 This was a continuous study of "Family-based Ecosystem of the Gifted with Disabilities" and "Family-based Ecosystem of the gifted with disabilities: Cross-cultural Comparison". The purpose of this study was to explore the school-based ecosystem of the gifted with disabilities and to compare the difference among elementary, junior high, and senior high schools. The samples of this study were the same with prior two studies excluded those who were now college students. Sixty-five gifted with disabilities who were attending elementary and secondary schools were included in this study. However, the questionnaires were delivered to those students' teachers. The return rate of questionnaires was 72%. In addition to questionnaire, two forums were held in south and north of Taiwan. From the analysis of data, the following results were found. (1) The interaction among gifted with disabilities, their classmates and teachers were very well. The space design of classroom was convenient and safety. (2) The gifted with disabilities were not been excluded by other students in their school. Parents of other students all accepted the gifted with disabilities. (3) The principal and teachers supported special education. There were nonrestrictive and safety facilities in the campus. (4) Teachers could access consultant when they were necessary. The Bureau of Education supported special education. (5) There were no significant differences in microsystem, macrosystem, exosystem, and macrosystem among elementary, junior high, and senior high schools. (6) There were no significant difference in whole school's psychological environment, physical environment, school support, and out-of-school support among elementary, junior high, and senior high schools.
頁次 081-098
關鍵詞 學校生態 資優障礙學生 School-based Ecosystem the Gifted with Disabilities
卷期 12
日期 200406
刊名 特殊教育與復健學報
出版單位 國立臺南大學特殊教育學系