

篇名 聾父母與聽小孩家庭的溝通和教養問題研究
並列篇名 A Strvey on deaf parents and hearing children's perspectives concerning parent-child communication and parenting issues
作者 宋曉真 、邢敏華
中文摘要 百分之九十以上的聾人父母會生下聽力正常的小孩。本研究的主要目的在探討聾父母與聽小孩在自編問卷中有關溝通和教養的看法。研究對象為父母皆為聾人且至少有一名子女聽力正常,且年齡在11歲以上的家庭;但以聾父母為主要研究對象,聽小孩為輔。主要的研究工具為研究者自編的「聾父母與聽小孩的溝通和教養狀況問卷」(聾父母版、聽小孩版)。研究者透過聾人社區、啟聰學校與手語翻譯員的協助,請聾人家長填寫問卷;聽小孩問卷則透過聾人社區協助轉交填寫與繳交;研究者並親至三個家庭做進一步的訪問。問卷有效回收率為:聾父母9.1%(n=41),聽小孩89.7%(n=26)。研究結果顯示:一、聾父母與聽小孩親子間主要以手語溝通,且長子(女)的手語能力較佳;聾父母大多需要聽子女幫他們做翻譯,以便與外界溝通。二、大部分的聾父母認為教導聽子女口語與指導課業最為困難;此外,他們表示很難從外界得到教養聽子女的資訊與協助,但會利用聾人社區來彼此交流資訊;約有一半的聾父母表示聽子女曾經有過隔代教養,通常是嬰幼兒至學齡前階段。三、聾父母大多會關心聽子女在學校的情形,但會主動與學校老師溝通者不多。四、聽子女對聾父母的認同接納:聾父母與聽子女在認同感受部分的看法呈顯著差異(81%的聾父母認為聽子女曾經不認同接納自己,但只有39%的聽小孩認為如此x2=12.23, p<.05);但隨著年齡增長,大部分的聽子女能認同與支持自己的聾父母。研究建議包括設立聾人心理衛生中心與成立聾父母聽子女之相關組織。
英文摘要 It is estimated that 90% of deaf parents have hearing children. The main purpose of this paper was to esplore communication situation and parenting problems faced by deaf parents and hearing children(DPHC). Research tools used include a digital camera, interview records, field notes, and researcher-made questionnaires for DP and HC. Research methods utilized are questionnaire survey and deep interview. At first, both questionnaires were designed for deaf parents and hearing children. Then, 51questionnaires for deaf were sent to a deaf association, a deaf school, deaf members in a hearing church, and a deaf people service center in the southern part of Taiwan. The effective return rate is 89.1% (n=41)for DP and 89.7%(n=26)for HC. Later, three families of DP and HC agreed to receive a face-to-face deep interview and video recording. Results showed that Most DP and HC use sign language to communicate, and the oldest HC 's sign language abilities are better than their younger hearing siblings; nearly 90% of DP need HC to do interpretation work for them, and 70% of HC feel they are capable of conducting this task; Most deaf parents felt face many parenting problems, especially in teaching hearing children speech and/or school assignments; Nearly 50% of deaf parents allow their hearing to be raised by their hearing grandparents from infancy through kindergarten stages; There is a big discrepancy (x2=12.23, p<.05) between opinions of DP and HC concerning hearing childrens's identifying themselves with their deaf parents(81% of deaf parents agreed that their hearing children did not accept them at acertain period of time, but only 39% of hearing children agree on this viewpoint); Nervertheless, when hearing children grow up ,most of them gradually accept their deaf parents. Researchers suggest that a mental health center for the deaf and a HC/DP association be established so as to effectively assist this special population.
頁次 105-126
關鍵詞 聾父母 聽小孩 溝通 教養 手語 hearing parents deaf children parenting communication sign language
卷期 15
日期 200512
刊名 特殊教育與復健學報
出版單位 國立臺南大學特殊教育學系