

篇名 语言和音乐中短语边界的认知加工
並列篇名 The Cognitive Process of Phrase Boundary in Language and Music
作者 李卫君 、杨玉芳
中文摘要 综述了近年来语言和音乐中有关短语边界加工的一些研究成果。首先,语言中使用事件相关电位技术(ERP)进行的众多研究表明,口语中的语调短语边界和阅读中的逗号都能诱发中止正漂移(CPS)这种反映语调短语中止的ERP成分。然后介绍了近期关于音乐短语结构的一系列ERP和事件相关磁场(ERF)研究,结果发现在各种实验条件下音乐CPS都能够稳定产生。最后,对今后汉语韵律层级结构边界的认知加工研究做出展望。
英文摘要 In recent years, a growing number of researchers have been involved in the phrase structure processing of language and music. Firstly, the present review introduces the event-related brain potential (ERP) studies of phrase boundary processing in language. In ERPs, the prosodic boundaries in natural speech and commas during silent reading reliably elicit a similar online brain response, termed the Closure Positive Shift (CPS), which reflects the closure of intonational phrase. Then, the latest studies of music phrase processing with ERP and event related magnetic field (ERF) technique are reviewed. The replication of music CPS demonstrates the robustness of this ERP component. New trends and issues concerning to the study of prosodic hierarchical boundaries are discussed in the end.
頁次 774-780
關鍵詞 语言 音乐 事件相关电位 事件相关磁场 短语边界 中止正漂移 language music ERP ERF (event related magnetic field) phrase boundary closure positive shift(CPS)
卷期 15:5
日期 200709
刊名 心理科學進展
出版單位 中國科學院心理研究所