

篇名 顾明远先生“以人为本”的教育思想初探
並列篇名 Taking People as a Dominant Factor: An Initial Approach to Professor Gu Mingyuan's Educational Thoughts
作者 项贤明
中文摘要 顾明远先生教育思想十分丰富,其中“以人为本”是贯穿始终的一条重要思想。这一基本思想反映在他关于教育本质、师生关系、知识教学、人的发展及其与社会发展的关系等问题的一系列论述中。在有关这些问题的论述中,他始终坚持将“人”作为重要的核心和最终的目的。顾先生在这里所说的“人”,不仅包括学生,也包括教师以及所有参与到教育过程中来的其它人。顾明远先生“以人为本”的教育思想,超越了教育思想史上个人本位和社会本位等理论简单片面的形而上学思维水平,在马克思主义唯物辩证法的思维水平上科学而深刻地揭示了教育过程中人的发展与社会的发展的辩证关系。
英文摘要 Mr. Gu Mingyuan's educational thoughts are very fertile. One of the important fundamental notions in his thoughts is that education should take people as a dominant factor, and should make the well-being of mankind. It formed the main theme of his thoughts on the essence of education, on the relationship between teachers and students, on the knowledge instruction, and on the human development and social progress. He always put "people", including students, teachers and other people involved in process of education, into the core value and the final purpose of education. Professor Gu's thoughts on education taking peoples as a dominant factor have transcended the individual standard and of the social standard in the historical educational thoughts, revealing the truth about the dialectical relations between the developing of individual and social development in educational process at the level of the dialectical thoughts of Marxism.
頁次 5-9
關鍵詞 humanism educational theory educational thought Gu Mingyuan Studies 以人为本 教育理论 顾明远研究 教育思想 CSSCI
卷期 30:9
日期 200809
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所