

篇名 战后联邦德国政治教育思想理论的嬗变与发展
並列篇名 On the Evolution and Development of Political Education Theories in the Federal Republic of Germany
作者 傅安洲 、刘洋 、阮一帆
中文摘要 二战结束后,政治教育在德国的经济恢复、政治重建以及肃清纳粹思想等领域都起到了重要作用。战后不同时期所涌现出的政治教育思想理论,一方面反映出德国议会、政府和学术界对不同时期政治教育的认识历程,另一方面也指导了不同时期的政治教育实践。本文期望通过对战后联邦德国不同时期政治教育思想理论的研究,发现其变迁的规律和特征,为联邦德国政治教育思想理论的发展梳理出一条清晰的线索。
英文摘要 After the WorldⅡ,political education has played an important role in the process of economic recovery, political reconstruction and eliminating the Nazi ideology. The political education theories emerged in different stages of Federal Germany reflected the knowledge of the parliament, government and academia of Fed-eral Germany on the one hand. On the other hand, they also guided the practice of political education in different stages. This paper intends to identify the rules and the characters through the study of Political education theories of different stages of Federal Germany for better understanding of its development.
頁次 6-10
關鍵詞 ideological theory political education Federal Germany 联邦德国 思想理论 政治教育 CSSCI
卷期 30:5
日期 200805
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所