

篇名 美國選擇性教師資格制度淺析
並列篇名 The Analysis of American Alternative Teacher Qualification System
作者 王丹
中文摘要 教师资格制度是当今美国教育改革关注的焦点之一。作为一种非传统的教师资格制度,选择性教师资格制度自产生之日起就备受关注。本文主要阐述20世纪80年代以来,美国选择性教师资格制度产生、发展的过程,并对选择性教师资格制度的特征进行分析。
英文摘要 Teacher qualification certificate is one of the focuses of current US educational reforms. As a non-conventional teacher qualification certificate, alternative teacher qualification system has attracted conspicuous attention since its establishment. This paper aims at elucidating the formation, development and vicissitude of alternative teacher qualification system, and at the same time analyzing its characteristics.
頁次 51-55
關鍵詞 alternative teacher qualification system teacher professionalization U.S.A 選擇性教師資格制度 教師專業化 美國 CSSCI
卷期 30:3
日期 200803
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所