

篇名 正義的教育政策:社群主義的視角
並列篇名 Educational Policy for Justice: In the View of Communitarianism
作者 魏峰
中文摘要 社群主义理论为我们在中国语境下审视教育政策的正义性提供了新的视角。在社群主义的理论视野里,正义的教育政策既要保障教育资源的自主与公平分配,还要引导社群走向公共的善。正义是社群成员的共识,公民积极参与政策制定是正义的教育政策生成的必由之路。
英文摘要 Communitarianism provides a new theoretical framework for us to examine the justice nature of Chinese educational policy. The theory of communitarianism believes that education resources should be divided fairly and independently under the guidance of just education policy. Education policy for justice aims to guide people in the community into common good and justice is the consensus shared by the community members. People's active participation in the government's policy decision-making is the only way for the formation of justice educational policy.
頁次 6-10
關鍵詞 communitarianism justice education policy 社群主義 正義 教育政策 CSSCI
卷期 30:3
日期 200803
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所